Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U

Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U

Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U    Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U
Reborn Baby A Beautiful Baby Girl Called Marisa May. Here is a beautiful reborn with a pretty name, she has nice blond hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes.

I recommend using a dab of conditioner to keep her hair supple, as l found her hair dry and unmanageable when l first got her. Just every few months, especially when the central heating is on. She is 22 long, and just a nice size, Weighing approximately 3 and a half pounds she is just nice for a nice long cuddle. Nice weight for a child of 7+. Marisa May baby will come with all the clothes shown in the photos, plus extra clothes, a new outfit and a few items she made need, all gift wrapped for a nice box opening.

The bottle will remain with me for future photos. Who ever owned her before me, looked after her, I have found no faults with her, l think she had been well looked after, and not played with. I have not had her long, but l need to decrease my collection as l have far too many reborns, and my health problems are becoming a nuisance.

L have MS and Diabetes, etc. And l need to sell lots off many of my collection l have built up over the years sadly. Please look at my other reborns on E Bay, for a bargain. So lm sure you understand this is a sad sell of my reborns. She will be insured at full price paid for her.

Thank you for looking at Marisa May, l hope you like her. I hope you find a great baby to cuddle and love and reap the rewards that a reborn can give someone. Please message me for any more information you may need, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry l do not postOverseas.

Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U    Reborn Baby Girl -Marisa May. By OA. D. G. BARGAIN at £90.00 No Offers. Thank U